Load balance two Internet connections
Applies to: Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 and XP
Requires: Two or more network cards.
If you have two internet connections, you can load balance them to make use of both connections at the same time. You will only see a speed increase with multiple uploads or downloads.
It is very simple to setup as the function is already built into Windows, but hidden away in the registry. The load balancing method is based on a random algorithm. The functions used are called RandomAdapter and SingleResponse.
If you want to edit the registry by yourself. Then you need to change or add the RandomAdapter and SingleResponse values to enable load balancing between two or more network interface cards:
Step 1,
Open regedit.
Go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetBT\Parameters]
Add the valuename RandomAdapter if it does not exsist, make sure you add it as a REG_DWORD (DWORD Value).
Enter 1 as a value data to enable RandomAdapter or 0 to disable it.
Step 2,
Add the valuename SingleResponse if it does not exsist, make sure you add it as a REG_DWORD (DWORD Value).
Enter 1 as a value data to enable SingleResponse or 0 to disable it.
Step 3,
Reboot your computer.
Note! Make sure both RandomAdapter and SingleResponse have the data value 1 or the load balancing will not work.
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